Mission Statement
The Junior Welfare League of Enid, founded in 1930, is a charitable organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, and improving our community through the action, education, and leadership of our members.
It is difficult to describe what a Junior Welfare League member is and what is asked of her. We are many things. Demands on our energies change with the needs of our city. We give to individuals in need both directly with our time and indirectly with our money. From this we learn humility and the joy of sharing ourselves. We know how much we are needed by the lives we touch. From this we learn to be personally responsible for the commitments we make. We know that even when we have met our requirements that there are still people to be helped and jobs to be done. From this we learn unselfish. We know we give up time with our families. By that we are setting an example for future generations to become involved. We meet new people and make friends that last a lifetime. From these friendships we learn loyalty and understanding. Although we give much and touch many lives, we receive more back from what we learn and those who touch our lives. G.B.W. ‘83